Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Leinenkugels Harvest Patch Shandy

Leinenkugels Harvest Patch Shandy
Pours hazy bright golden yellow color with a 2 finger dense white head with good retention, that reduces to a nice cap that lingers. Nice spotty soapy lacing clings down the glass, with a moderate amount of streaming carbonation retaining the cap. Aromas of lemon, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, wheat, cracker, light honey, and herbal/yeast earthiness. Nice and pleasant aromas with good balance of pale malt, spices, and lemon notes; with solid strength. Taste of lemon, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, wheat, cracker, light honey, and herbal/yeast earthiness. Minimal herbal/spice bitterness and slight lemon tartness on the finish; with lingering notes of lemon, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, wheat, cracker, light honey, and herbal/yeast earthiness on the finish for a short bit. Good robustness and balance of pale malt, spices, and lemon flavors; with a great malt/spice balance and zero cloying flavors after the finish. Light-moderate dryness after the finish as well. Medium carbonation and light-medium body; with a very smooth, crisp, and lightly creamy/bready mouthfeel that is nice. Alcohol is very well hidden with zero warming present after the finish as expected of 4.2%. Overall this is a nice spiced shandy style. All around good robustness and balance of pale malt, spices, and lemon flavors; and very smooth and crisp to drink. A nicely enjoyable offering.

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